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Lock Pickers Mall

Kwikset Cylinder Removal Tool


Kwikset Cylinder Removal Tool


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Product Description

Here Is the Best Kwikset Knob Cylinder Remover I've Seen Yet

The pop-out cylinders in standard Kwikset knobsets are retained by two very heavy duty spring steel fingers.  There are several tools designed to help you force the cylinder out from the back (when you have the knob in hand and wish to rekey it, for example).  The standard Kwikset solution was a flat bar with a crescent shaped cutout on one end.  I can't tell you how many times I bent one of those, or nearly put a hole in my palm trying to push that stubborn cylinder out.

Now there's a much more elegant solution.  This tool, KCT-2, is a time saver, a nerve saver, and more important it works quickly and with less physical pain.  It's a wonderful tool and I won't try to remove Kwikset cylinders with any other.

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